Prometheus with Grafana is an Open Source metric and alerting system. Let’s up and run to monitor the Linux servers in a few steps.
VMFS Partition Cleanup on VMware vSphere 7 – Easy Guide
A quick step by step guide to manually clean up the VMFS Partition on VMware vSphere 7.0 ESXi.
Deploy VMware Virtual machines with Ansible for lazy admins
Deploy a VMware virtual machine with Ansible using vmware_guest in a short span of time. This reduces manual intervention and creates virtual machines from an existing template.
Install Ansible AWX on Kubernetes in 5 minutes
Ansible AWX or Ansible Tower will come with a Web user interface for Ansible tasks. Let make the installation process easier by following below guide.
How to Setup NFS Server on CentOS 8
To transfer any files over the network, Setup NFS Server which allows to export the local file system and make it possible to access over the network from one or more clients.
Install Kubernetes Cluster with Ansible on Ubuntu in 5 minutes
Install Kubernetes cluster with Ansible will easy the process of installation by saving our time. If you are looking to complete a mass installation setup in less than 5 minutes, Have a look into this.
Upgrade Kubernetes Cluster with zero downtime in 5 easy steps
Upgrade Kubernetes Cluster, The most required requirement in any production environment to get the latest features of Kubernetes. Follow this guide to simplify your upgrade process.
vSAN cluster UUID mismatch | 1 Quick Solution
A quick solution to resolve vSAN cluster UUID mismatch in VMware environment.
Proxmox VM migration failed with Permission denied (publickey,password) quick fix
Quick fix for the Proxmox VM migration failed with error “Permission denied (publickey, password)”
Create a Rolling Update Kubernetes Deployment in 3 ways
Kubernetes Deployment will help to bring up our Application online in a short span of time with the number of designated Replica sets.