How to install Android Studio 3.2.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS/17.10/18.04 LTS


Hello, fellow Android enthusiasts, you can install “Android Studio” on Ubuntu 16.04/17.10/18.04 by not just one method we have multiple ways to install it. Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Google’s Android operating system which specifically designed for Android development. Let see how to perform the installations on Ubuntu Linux.

Minimum System Requirements

Disk Space                     4 GB
Memory                         8 GB
Screen Resolution      1200 x 800
OS Arch                        64 bit (capable of running 32-bit type applications)

We about see how to perform an installation of the Android studio using the following methods:

  • Through snapd
  • Through Ubuntu Software centre
  • Download and install from the official android studio website
  • Through umake

Installing Java for Android Studio

Before starting with Android studio we need to resolve the required prerequisites and dependencies, Verify and install the Java if already not existed in your server.

$ java --version
$ sudo apt install default-jre
$ sudo apt install default-jdk
Verify for any existing installed java version
Verify for any existing installed java version

By following install default Java JRE.

Install default Java run time
Install default Java runtime

We need to have a JDK package as well.

Install with default jdk
Install with default JDK

Verify the installed Java and compiler version.

$ java --version
$ javac --version
JDK version
JDK version
Verify Java compiler version
Verify Java compiler version

Method 1: Installing Android Studio through snapd

One of the simplest ways to install android studio is via snapd from CLI, Simply see the below installation method using  snapd utility:

$ sudo apt-get install snapd
Install snapd
sudo apt-get install snapd

After installing snapd, you can install android studio by the following command with “–classic” option.

$ sudo snap install android-studio --classic
snapd classic
Install snapd with the classic option

Method 2: Install from Ubuntu Software centre

Refresh repository

In case if you are not familiar with running multiple commands using terminal another easiest way to install the Android studio can be accomplished from Ubuntu Software Centre. Before installing from Ubuntu Software centre just refresh the repositories using “apt-get update” from the command line.

$ sudo apt-get update
Refresh the repositories
Refresh the repositories

Search for Package

Go to Ubuntu software centre and search by name “android studio” and simply install it from there

Install Android studio from Ubuntu software centre
Install Android studio from Ubuntu software centre

Method 3: Installing Android Studio from the official website

To get the up-to-date package and make sure to get from a trusted source we can download and install Android studio from the official website by clicking on below URL.

Click to start download

Download android studio
Download the android studio zip

Extracting the downloaded package

Unzip the downloaded zip file. In my case I am extracting it in /opt directory:

$ sudo unzip –d /opt
Unzip the downloaded android studio zip
Unzip the downloaded android studio zip

Start the Android Studio

You can see below that it has been extracted successfully under /opt. By following navigate to the extracted directory and run the “” script to start the installation.

$ cd /opt/android-studio/bin
$ ./
Extracted files are under opt
Extracted files are under opt

Now the android studio is initializing for the first time.

Start the installation by running the script
Start the installation by running the script

Android Setup Wizard

Android setup wizard after installation
Android setup wizard after installation

Creating a Desktop Icon

During the setup wizard, it will download the necessary components, Once done with it you can use the android studio and get back to the work.

Finally, Click Configure -> Create Desktop Entry, to create an entry on the dashboard.

Creating desktop icon for android studio
Creating a desktop icon for android studio

Now you can access the android studio by searching it in applications.

Search for Android studio to launch
Search for Android studio to launch

Great, Android Studio has been installed successfully.

Method 4: Installing the Android studio through umake.

Install Ubuntu-make CLI tool

Ubuntu makes is a command-line tool will allow us to install developer tools in our servers. Ubuntu Make is already included and available from official Ubuntu repositories.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install ubuntu-make
Install ubuntu-make for Android studio
Install ubuntu-make for Android studio

Verify the version

For this the version of umake version 16.05 is required, you can verify the version by running the below command.

$ umake --version

If not then simply install umake by the following process by adding PPA repository and refreshing the repo.

Enable the Repository

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install ubuntu-make
Add repository using ppa
Add repository using PPA

Update cache and Install Android studio

After installing the Ubuntu-make, start to install the android using umake. During the installation make sure to specify the android studio installation path.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ umake android
umake android studio and specify the path
umake android studio and specify the path

Time to grab some coffee as it will take some time to download and install the android studio for you.


You can install android studio by any one of the above methods, And start working on amazing projects. Hope this helps you to set up Android Studio on Ubuntu Linux. Subscribe to our newsletter to keep up-to-date with our upcoming articles.